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Thursday, September 12, 2013

"They say its your birthday.......it's my birthday too"

If you can name what movie the title of this post is from we can be best friends...if not...you are missing out on one of THE best movies of all time!

Well I have been holding out long enough for my birthday post....I fear I may have built it up to be more exciting than it was.

First things first....I turned 27 last Thursday, making me a week older....and this is the WORST week I have had with food in over a decade.

I am talking pizza, Chinese, fast food, Pepsi, CANDY, starchy breads, processed foods...did I mention Candy?

Guess what...you will be SHOCKED...I feel like complete SHIT!....I went to the grocery store tonight and I bought a bunch of produce and I WILL stick to my menu plan I made for the rest of this week/weekend/next week.

I plan on getting back to JUST eating what I bring in my lunch..no running to Arby's (even if it is a salad) or Jimmy John's....I am not leaving work for lunch unless it is to run a non food errand.

I am waisting money AND my time!  I am going to start running 2 weeks from Monday...I wanted to start Monday BUT I haven't been released yet ( this accident is a BIGGER pain in my ass than I ever thought possible!)

I will however start back walking next week ( Yeah that's right this girl hasn't been doing shit for exercise OR watching food intake...well I take that back I have been watching it go right in my pie hole....however BONUS- I have been conscious of the calories I have been taking in....I think that in itself is a Non Scale Victory)

I will be making out our menus on Tuesday Nights (Grocery day is Wednesday).

NOWWWW on to what you all have been waiting for my birthday extravaganza!

Thursday night- my actual birthday

I made treats (the cupcakes below) for Saturday night and took some in for the girls at work in my training class, PLUS my trainer brought us all ice cream treats for my birthday....have I mentioned how much I love my job :).

That night my mama took J and I out to eat.  We tried out the new restaurant across the river and it was pretty dang good..plus bonus...we may have found our rehearsal dinner venue...woot woot!

When we got home J gave me my present (which I thought I wasn't getting b/c of the wedding).

He got me a pretty vase and yummy smelling potpourri and the grinder attachment ( which also grates cheese)....I laughed because we just registered for this and he was with me...plus I figured he must not want me to lose any more knuckles......a few weeks ago I was grating cheese and can I just say....DO NOT grate cheese when you are tired and its late....definitely have never cut myself that deep...if it  hadn't been on my knuckle I would have gone to get stitches! So needles to say the man has his own way of being romantic, but I wouldn't trade him for the world!

Friday....I feel like I canned my night away ......my bff and another close friend came over and helped me prep the veggies ....and thank the good Lord for that because I was already up until midnight WITH their help.....I got 7 more quarts of salsa for this winter thought which makes me super happy :)

Saturday morning I got up super early ( bed at 3am up at 7am) I had to CLEANNNN....my mama came over and helped me prepare....and by prepare I mean she kept me from losing my shit!

Of course while I was working my butt off inside...miss Tikka decided she was hot and needed some pool time.......talk about spoiled dogs!

I am what you would call a type A personality...yeahhhhh perfectionism just doesn't mesh with dinner party....you want everything to be PERFECT....and it rarely is...but it turned out great.

I legit put on7 outfits before I was satisfied ( one of those fat girl days) and when I finally felt comfortable in something...I'll be damned if I didn't spill melted butter on my dress as well as smudge cream cheese on it.  SUPER....after enough wine I forgot...and all was well in my world!

We had a great turn out and enough food to feed the 1st Army. (note we had so much food that it nearly collapsed our table....no JOKE!...I about lost it! J saved the day again)

I was able to enjoy some much needed time with my girls ( who I love dearly), got to catch up with some other great friends and just relax!

J's family was also there, and it is weird to call them his family because really they are mine too!

Our nephew is one of my favorite kids on the planet! He is THE funniest kid I know, and I love him dearly...so of course we had to snap a pic eating lemons.....(side note....this picture ALONE is enough to make me want to run 8000000000000 miles tomorrow)

Everything was perfect, and J, I swear is a saint for being able to deal with my bat shit crazy moments!

Sunday was spent RELAXING...I literally washed a few dishes and did A load of laundry, otherwise I ate, slept/watched movies and browsed my new cookbook (from my bestie) and it was AMAZEBALLS!

Tikka was pretty pooped herself....Mommy is going to be in trouble for letting this cat out of the bag ;)....baby girl is not supposed to be on the furniture...do you think I could win this by saying TECHNICALLY she wasn't ON the furniture..she was on me?

By the end of the night both babies were pooped!

I had one of the best birthdays I have ever had and got to spend it with my amazing family and friends! I couldn't feel more blessed!
 P.S. It is actually COLD outside here..FINALLY! This girl is SOOOOO Happy for hoodies this weekend! 

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Tomorrow tomorrow I love ya tomorrow....

I know I promised the birthday post but my practice ran late....soooooo ill be back tomorrow!!! I didn't want to leave you hangin! ;-)


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

It's all about the benjamins.....now how do I get some of those?

So I can't believe I am finally doing my 100th post!

It's so hard to believe that its also been over a year since I started this blog.

See my first post here....I hope I have come a ways....lol

While I was off on my "break", I realized that my year mark had come and gone. I am sad to say that I missed it :(.

I love having a way to put myself out there with writing and get positive feedback.

I also have thought a  lot about how far I have come and how little I have followed through.

I set up so many challenges for myself and I am completely disappointed in myself for not following through.

I feel like I was really struggling with a lot of things in my life and I am now at a point where I feel good about a lot, actually pretty much everything in my life.

I still have my crazy moments where my fiancĂ© thinks I am nuts...but don't all men think women are nuts?....I mean like sometimes we can be bat shit crazy....ok not every women but I have definitely seen it.....orrrr I have been told that I am bat shit crazy...I can't recall which ;)

I don't want this post to be all "whoa is me...I suck because I still haven't gotten my shit together and lost any weight...or only 6 lbs"....which means I have gained some back.

Why do we continue to subject ourselves to torture....I realized recently that the number on the scale doesn't reflect me as a person...it doesn't reflect anything but gravity! ( I know you'd think after about 7000 science classes in high school and college I would have figured that out a long time ago....no such luck)

There are many days I wish I lived on the moon so that number wouldn't mean a damn thing.

What frustrates me the most....Doctors, Hollywood, and people who have high metabolisms at birth, and my ability to self sabotage!

1. Doctors continue to tell you that if you are between this number and this number you are "healthy"...I call bull shit!
2. Doctors say that morbid obesity has become an epidemic in our country...why is that?....well I am sure part of it has to do with this obsession of the number on the damn scale.

I for one am sick of it!  I hate going to the doctor, ESPECIALLY when I have really been trying, you get some ass hole doctor who doesn't know a damn thing about you or what you have been trying to do, all they see is a number...a number that isn't good enough according to their "scale" on where I "should" be!

3. Hollywood continues to airbrush celebrities, and telling us that a size 12....pardon my French..a FUCKING 12 is a PLUS sized model....let me just say that miss Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 and President Kennedy loved her...in fact most men loved her....why was that...because she was skinnier than a bean pole? NO because she was confident and had curves that represent so much more than a damn number.

4.People with high metabolisms....I wish I knew the secret to being born with this glorious gene...until they patton it I guess I will keep counting my calories and working my hiney off.....literally!

So on to my next task at hand!.....Keeping promises....to myself!

I do a damn good job of keeping my word to others for something THEY need....

You need help moving Saturday?....I'm there...early... with extra boxes anddddd treats

You need a ride to work? I will be there 15 minutes early so we both are on time

So why is it when I tell myself I want to look as good as I feel I fail miserably....I know I know you can' fail until you give up....so why do I feel like I have failed...that I have let myself down?

This post means so much more than just being my 100th post...its my way of apologizing to myself for beating myself up everyday....for not meeting the goals I had wanted to meet by now.

I have 7 months and 1 day until I say "I do"....I don't want any regrets as I am getting ready that morning about how much work I DID NOT accomplish...I want to know that I have done my best!

I am starting a new....I am trying this week but giving myself a break knowing that my favorite time of the month is approaching rapidly which brings a LOT of exhaustion ANNNND horrid cravings....I still eat my healthy meals but if I want a cheat snack I take it.

I entered SkinnyMeg's Diet Bet which ends Oct 1st and I have to be down 4% of my body weight...I can definitely do it, but I am telling all of you to keep myself accountable!

WHEN I win, I am hoping to put that money towards engagement outfits! Our pictures are rapidly approaching and I can't wait!!

I will be posting my birthday party update tomorrow ( for reall) I will also be filling you all in on a little secret happening next Friday....I can't believe I agreed to do this...but sometimes my brain thinks to quickly for my mouth to catch up.....or vice versa ;)

Until tomorrow my dear friends....here's to taco pizza wishes and Hershey bar dreams!

Keep it real...as we know it's allll about the Benjamin's!

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