Now onto the Hotel- I know some of you will think I am NUTS, but I was totally stoked to stay in a hotel with a mini fridge- that was I have never had a "stocked" mini fridge- can I just say I prefer the un-stocked, that I can personally stock with cheap booze and leftovers over their 5 dollar canned Miller Light- GROSS at least offer Bush light ;)-insert country to the core joke.
I would have drank the shit out of that liquor if it didn't cost 800 dollars! |
So here is my recap of Chi-town in a Nutshell: we sent ourselves into a food coma...wait scratch that the food comas of ALL food comas. I think that misery is what could have described how we felt. We started out at Giordano's- Famous stuffed pizza- and was it stuffed.
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"Special without Onions" holy Pizza |
After stuffing our pie wholes to the brim, we went to the most touristy spot in Chicago- Millennium Park. I needed to see the "bean" people. It was everything I hoped it would be, shiny large and my smiling face lookin right back at me!
Then we headed to the "Magnificent Mile"- I wish I was a balla....seriously get yourself to NOT sing that song. I am going to tell you what I would have bought if money grew on trees and I had the chance to indulge this weekend on ANYTHING. First I would have bought a Marc by Marc Jacobs purse, then a Tiffany ANYTHING- but serrrriously I wanted EVERYTHING! See photo below ;). Then I would have bought a Burberry Trench coat- because I can. I would have bought the teal pair of shoes I was swooning over- and still may purchase- they are actually in my price range of under 100 dollars! Then there was Crate and Barrel which I could have spent HOURS in, I love kitchen stores SOOOO much!
"What I've found does the most good is just to get into a taxi and go to Tiffany's. It calms me down right away, the quietness and the proud look of it; nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits... " -Holly Golightly
I WANT- I have black but I WANT- this is more Tiffany than Light blue.
How gorgeous was this platter?!
Ok now that that is out of my system...what we actually did was a crap ton of window/counter shopping...also known as browsing because I'm broke...Jack!(If you don't know what that's from we can't be friends- DVR that shit. After walking for what seemed like all day- oh wait WE DID.....we headed to Cheesecake factory to order..well cheesecake. Then decided to just come back and eat dinner so our cheesecake would still be cold when we left and could go back to hotel (we stayed at the Sheraton by the way- GORGEOUS and pretty dang decent price for being right next to the "mile"). We then went to Garrett's Popcorn shop- per recommendation...and it was worth EVERY SINGLE MINUTE we waited in line ( like an hour...outside). I am still eating on it 3 days later and its still AMAZEBALLS.We ate at Cheesecake Fac. for dinner and were completely miserable the rest of the night. We did our Charcoal face mask (from Macy's) when we got back and then the moisturizer also recommended- they saw me coming. OMG my skin felt amazing afterwards and Sunday morning!.
Sunday was probably my favorite- minus walking through Tiffany's...I'm pretty sure if I lived near one I would pull an Audrey and go EVERY morning to look :). We went to Whole Foods and Trader Joes- if we had them here I would shop there ALL THE TIME! Hope everyone had a fabulous weekend and Happy Monday...its over now- only 4 days til the weekend ;)
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