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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Weigh in Wednesday-10 week challenge



 I actually look forward to weigh in Wednesdays every week, I love seeing all the progress and new ideas people have come up with!! YAY to becoming strong and HAWT classy ladies ( the last part may be stretching it some days for me)

Well I am happy to report that after a super craptastic weekend with my stomach, I dropped a few pounds. I have been stuck for awhile now.

I also planted my garden last night which isn't necessarily weightloss talk exactly BUTTT vegetables are a necessity for weight loss...love home grown veggies!!
Yesterday I posted about my #operationweddingdress plans. These plans will be added onto the 10 week challenge I'm joining in on!

I was just talking with my bff last night about how its weird, I want to look smokin hot in a wedding dress and then in a bikini for my honeymoon, but just can't get my ass in gear. Hell I would love to look smokin in a bikini this summer.

Is it possible? Borderline insane, but I truly think I could feel comfortable in a bikini this summer, maybe not the first day of summer, but summer is long!

 I digress, when I was talking to her, I said ya know I want to look good, I want to get healthy, that should be it there should be no "but's" BUT, I am so happy and content right now, I have no drive to get off my ass and MOVE! My eats are really manageable right now. They aren't FANTASTIC, nor would I want to continue to eat some of the things I eat on a regular basis (candy fever right now), but they are doable.

I have been racking my brain trying to figure out WHY I have to force myself to work out. I enjoy running, in fact I love it- I have talked about this on SEVERAL occasions ( Here, here and here).  So what is it that makes running at 5pm worse than running at 8am on the weekends ( that's easy peasy for me)?

I have come up with an idea and I HOPE that it works. I don't know about some of you readers but I AM an OCD organizer, I LOVE IT! When things are completely organized I am on cloud 9 and I seem to function at an extremely HIGH level. On the downside, when things are NOT organized or have become disorganized, I move into the same motions. I lose motivation for everything, I become overwhelmed.

I have created a list of my "bad" spots that become quickly unorganized. I am going to slowly organize each space WITH labels so J doesn't have to ask me a BAJILLION times where it goes! Does anyone else's hubby/bf/fiance do this?! IT DRIVES ME BONKERS!

We have lived in our house for over a year, and he STILL questions where the dishes go when they are done in the dishwasher..AGHHHHHH! How do you not know where the bowls go...do I live here alone?...no you def have dirty clothes everywhere...oh wait that's me with the clothes everywhere...oops! :)- end soapbox

Ok so here's the list, I am starting with the 1st challenge that Jess over at Operation Skinny Jeans has set out (go check out her blog she is amazeballs), the refrigerator. I have 3 things on my list tonight and I know that in 5 hours I should be able to accomplish all of them without messing up my dinner. (Run, Mow yard, organize fridge)
The fridge may have to wait until tomorrow, because the other two HAVE to happen tonight it is supposed to rain tomorrow and that means no mowing tomorrow!

        **Disclaimer: I started this post this afternoon and I in fact did NOT get the fridge tackled!)- on a side note I did get the lawn done and my run in! WOOP there it is!...I just went there!

The rest of the list of "bad" spots are as follow:

1. Fridge - Thursday Night
2. Pantry
3. Bedroom Closet
4. Bedroom Dresser- the last two are problematic b/c I make the excuse I "can't" work out b/c I don't know where my work out clothes are...ummm in a laundry basket clean more than likely!

Those are my big things that I need to organize fully so that I have no excuses ( I tend to use cleaning as an excuse to avoid all things that are "hard").

Happy Hump Day!

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