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Saturday, October 31, 2015

New Name, New Post, New Outlook

Well, I can't believe the last time I wrote a blog piece was before we got married. So I thought this post could be a fresh start. I want to tell you about what has happened over the last year, but I also want to tell you why I changed the name and what my plans for the future of this blog are.

So lets start with me. I married my best friend on April 12, 2014. It was spectacular. There were a few glitches but all in all the day was just as I imagined it to be. I will do a bigger post on that soon as our anniversary is quickly approaching and last years.....well I will get to that too! But for teaser's sake...here is one of my favorite wedding pics we have....ok 2 one of us and one of our wedding party!

Photo by Shawna Welch Photography

Our Wedding Party-Photo by Shawna Welch Photography
So now onto why I fell of the planet for over a year. We wanted to become pregnant right away....we went on our honeymoon, and got home... a month went by and nope....I panicked inside. I just KNEW I was going to have issues. Now I am fully aware that there are a lot of woman who really do struggle with this, but I wasn't crazy, I had good reason to believe this would be the case for me. So instead of stressing for a year or more, I knew we had a few weddings coming up, my brother and sister in laws being one in October which I was in, I figured we would wait out the summer and try again after their wedding.....this was in June.

On July 12th or the 19th, I can't recall now.... #mommybrainproblems....I was coming home from a family wedding with my brother and his fiancé, his car air freshener had to be put away because it was making me sick ( I get car sick so I attributed it to that plus I wasn't hungover because I couldn't drink the night before)...Hello red flags....my husband was on a guys trip in South Dakota.....so guess who took 4 pregnancy tests.....you guessed it. More on that later.

Finally going home...we are all exhausted...especially Daddy!
I found out I was in fact pregnant with our first, but then one complication after the next led to a very hard pregnancy, very scary 6 week early delivery, and 1 very LONG week in the hospital for both mommy and baby. I am SO grateful that we both survived and that he is now almost 9 months old....where does time go? This photo was taken for 6 month pictures by Sarah Siler in Muscatine, IA.

So now that you have a little idea as to where I have been, let me tell you where I "plan" to go with this. I say plan loosely because I know and you know that life happens and things change. However, I miss writing and these days I need a healthy ME outlet. So I invited you to come along with me to reinvent meals, discover life's adventures with me as I teach myself to Sew (that alone is reason enough to stick around), learn to use a digital camera on my family (just a hobby), and navigate my way through this crazy thing called life using as much of nature as I can (oils, homeopathic, natural remedies, made from scratch food). I have learned a LOT in a year and I know I am going to continue to learn EVERY.SINGLE.DAY...Tomorrow is Halloween and I have a special treat for you! And just one more because I can :D
Family time is my happy place.

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