01 09 10

Monday, January 14, 2013

Letter to me...

So the idea of writing a letter to myself in the past has intrigued me since Brad Paisley came out with his song "Letter to Me". It has always been one of those things I think about but never actually do because, we'll what's the point, unless you know Michael J. fox and can get a hold of  the Delorean time  machine, in which case please lemme know that's bad ass! Anyway...so I came across this blog today which you should check out here she has a great story! So here goes my letter to me in my teens. Caution this may get deep, but I feel like I owe it to myself to write this!

Dear 14 year old Lindsay,
This year will be a true test to your strength, but know that you can and will get through these moments that are truly hard for an adult to deal with but you are dealing with them so give yourself a pat on the back! I know it seems like your world has just collapsed from underneath you but please don't blame yourself for what has happened...and further please don't be mad at Dad...he didn't choose to leave, he never wanted that. I am not going to tell you it will be easy but I can tell you it will be worth it. Jr high sucks, and high school sucks less-but  Don't give up on life or yourself. By senior year you will wish you had done more partying or any for that matter, and by freshman year in college you will have REALLY wished you had partied in high school, however you didn't and trust me you will get it all out in College- re think this plan but still enjoy every second of every day because soon enough you will be in the real world and you will have a job you have to get up for- so even if you don't enjoy it suck it up because its still money in the bank. You will have a lot of struggles to deal with down the road...but PLEASE DEAL with them, don't ignore them or try to find a comfort to fix them...JUST DEAL! I promise if you can DEAL with them NOW then your life will have a lot less heartache. On to things that are important to you now, I know you find comfort in food, but please don't use it as your crutch, because it will be used as just that forever- bad day- comfort food-;stressed- comfort food..aka JUNK- feel fat- comfort food. I could go on and on and on. Don't do that to yourself, you deserve much better, instead find a hobby- like exercising- I know it sounds dreadful, but find something you enjoy like dancing and go with it, the rest will come more natural after your body is used to all the work its supposed to have. I can promise you that boys are NOT as big of a deal as they seem. I promise you this- the wait is worth it! Waiting for someone who truly cares and respects you is far better than dating someone and wasting your first kiss on a jerk. Everyone makes mistakes- so let your mistakes be just that don't beat yourself up over everything you think you did wrong. As the years continue to fly you will start to find yourself wondering "What happened to me"...well you know when you hear people talk about that fork in the road? Well it doesn't matter what fork you take- YOU are the designer of how you want that road to look whether it be positive or negative whether you strive for excellence or you don't- Choose the road less traveled, find what really makes you happy and hold on to it. Know that there is WAY more to life than what brand of jeans you have or what brand of purse you own. I say if you can afford it then go for it, but don't kill yourself striving to hit that "status" that no one can truly live up to. Those things won't make you happy in the end, what will make you happy is loving yourself despite your flaws, and knowing that you have surrounded yourself with the best friends that have become family, family who have become friends, and a man so wonderful that he truly lives up to being both family and your best friend. Anything is possible in life if you believe in it enough and believe in your strength to do it. Don't lose sight of the dreams that you have, but learn to let God be in the driver seat, as we all know that He knows best! :)

So I leave you with this last piece of wisdom- Please don't EVER EVER EVER get the mango Habenjero sauce on your chicken salad at BWW's...did I say EVER!?!?!? I'm NOT KIDDING- don't even be tempted- your whole mouth with be ashes from burning the life out of you! And lets not even go there  with what will happen when it tries to leave your body- seriously..Just don't do it!!!

Love, Me

If you all made it to the end of this...seriously BLESS YOU...for not buggin (yes I said buggin- I had a flashback to Clueless while writing this) out before my letter to me was over. I encourage you all to do this- if you do please let me know how it goes, I realize this is very personal but sometimes to keep yourself going you have to put it all out there! I hope to write my 26 year old self a letter in 10 years.

                                                       XOXO, Lindsay


  1. You are the best writer. I could read your writing for hours. Dear 30 year old Lindsay please write a book cause I would totally read & include a few amaze ball recipes. Please & thank you! ;)

    1. Aww thanks! I have toyed with the idea of writing a book eek thats in 4 years lol i will def include some recipes while im at it though ;-) thanks for reading my blabber :-)


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